Most organisations are fully operational again and it is time to re-ignite, re-energise and re-connect our teams. It’s time to tap into the power of passion and get your people onboard. The Urban Dictionary has this to say about passion:
“Passion is when you put more energy into something than is required to do it. It is more than just enthusiasm or excitement, passion is ambition that is materialized into action to put as much heart, mind, body and soul into something as is possible.”
Exactly – and isn’t this what we would all love from all of our people? No more Pirates or Passengers – just Paddlers – connected, committed and fully contributing.
WorkQ®– a powerful invitation to come onboard
WorkQ® creates powerful inner shifts at the lower levels of the organisation, enhancing the 4 C’s critical to engagement:
Employees become more aware of their value and potential. Hope grows stronger than hopelessness, ownership replaces blame, and resentment dwindles as the drive and courage to make change happen increases. Internal locus of control and psychological capital grow.
Employees develop a new understanding of the link between the work they do and the organisation’s purpose and needs. Work becomes more meaningful and the sense of achievement and pride derived from their contribution increases. This leads to a vastly more positive workplace experience.
A deeper understanding of their contribution goes hand-in-hand with the realisation that work is a gift that needs to be valued and nurtured. A willingness and commitment to take initiative and go the extra mile comes to the fore, translating into real business results in areas such as productivity, OTIF Delivery, Wastage and Customer Service.
Employees realise that ‘one hand cannot clap alone’ and the WE becomes as important to them as the ME. When all are aligned behind a shared vision and common purpose, the connection within teams as well as between teams is strengthened. Participation and collaboration replaces the US/ THEM mentality.
Why use WorkQ® to get your people onboard?
“The impact on our people is visible in the way they now talk and behave, it clearly indicates that the effect is lasting. Not all training has this effect on so many people. It was great to see this leading to improvement in areas such as stock losses, overtime and damages.”
Jurie Schoeman, Operations Executive - Vector Logistics
“I was absolutely blown away by the impact WorkQ made on a team of highly disengaged people in our organisation. Here’s a practical way of shifting the emphasis from the organisation ‘transfusing’ engagement through endless activities and campaigns, year -in and -out (often to no avail), to employees recognising their own levels of engagement – a much more empowering and affirming approach!”
Dalene Sachele, Head of HR (at the time) - Merchantile Bank